Lilli Gast is "back" at IPU as Interim President

Return to the familiar new

As of 1 August 2020, IPU has a new (interim) president: Prof. Dr. Lilli Gast. She will be handling the concerns of the IPU until the established search committee finds a successor for former IPU President Prof. Dr. Ilka Quindeau, who left the position in July.

The IPU presidency is lucky to see the return of such a well-known and cherished person as Lilli Gast. Since IPU's founding in 2009 until 2017, she filled roles such as Vice President as well as Professor for Theoretical Analysis / Subject and Cultural Theory. She, herself, described her return as a "homecoming" and expressed her deep bond with the IPU.

In psychoanalysis, reemergence and return are important concepts. The idea of the "Revenant" came to light in Sigmund Freud's dream interpretation, which surfaces in dreams symbolizes both those things that are lost and those that are won: "No one is irreplaceable. Consider Revenants; everything that one has lost will return again."

Lilli Gast is just the same in the IPU circle, and yet she is also a newcomer to the position of president. Just so, the prospect of working with both "new" and "old" colleagues from the academic and non-academic staff gives her "strength and confidence for the upcoming, in no way minor, challenges that must be overcome". From her own experience, she knows she can count on a high level of professionalism, competence, commitment, engagement, and dedication for our university. Therefore, she is secure that during her time as Interim President, and "with this team, it will be possible to envision IPU's future and develop it further as a beacon of psychoanalysis in universities and as a place of open discourse and enlightened thinking".