A cooperation between the IPU University Outpatient Clinic and the Charité University Psychiatric Clinic at St. Hedwig Hospital (PUK SHK).

After an initial diagnostic phase (two to three appointments for diagnosing and collecting patient history), we can inform you whether our psychotherapy services are suitable for you and offer a spot in either individual or group therapy

  • Please call our secretariat at the IPU university outpatient clinic: 030 300 117-800
  • Or contact your therapist in the PUK SHK
  • Or contact us by email:

The Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin

The Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin – a cooperation between the IPU university outpatient clinic and the Charité university outpatient clinic at the St. Hedwig hospital (PUK SHK) – treats patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective psychoses.

Here, we offer a modified psychodynamic psychosis psychotherapy, which is a specially developed form of psychodynamic psychotherapy, tailored to these patient groups. This psychotherapy is conducted in both individual and group therapy settings.

The goal of the Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin is, for one, treating patients with psychoses according to guidelines with a psychotherapy method specific for this patient group. An additional goal is to follow these treatments for research and quality management purposes.

A unique feature of the Psychosis Clinic Berlin is the partnership between the IPU university outpatient clinic and the PUK SHK in Berlin Mitte, which is a university clinic that also has the ability to treat patients using medication.

This means that, under specific conditions, patients with psychoses can begin an appropriate psychotherapy at the Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin directly after completing an in-patient treatment at the PUK SHK. This outpatient psychotherapy can take place either in the IPU clinic offices or in the PUK SHK rooms. This makes it possible to have a large staff and allows for continuity within individual psychotherapy treatment concepts.


The Team

Prof. Dr. med. Dorothea von Haebler

Head Physician and Psychotherapist at the IPU Berlin University Outpatient Clinic

Imke Grimm, M.A. Psych.

Head Psychologist at the IPU Berlin University Outpatient Clinic

Prof. Dr. med. Christiane Montag

Head Physician and Psychotherapist at the PUK SHK (partner institution)

Anna-Lena Bröcker, Dr. rer. medic., M. Sc.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Francesca Bohn, M.Sc. Psych.

Psychologische Psychotherapeutin für Verhaltenstherapie

Jakob Funcke, Dipl. Psych.


Jasmina Hadzibegovic, Dr. med.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Astrid Knobel, Dr. med.


Eva Maaßen, M. Sc. Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Jil Mittag, Dipl.-Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse

Diana Carolina Neue, Dipl.-Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Isabelle Schwänzl, Dipl.-Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Philipp Seilern, M. Sc. Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse

Philip Stötzner, Dr. med.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Annett Wedemeyer, Dipl.-Psych.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie und Psychoanalyse


Anna-Lena Bröcker, Dr. rer. medic., M. Sc.

Tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie

Francesca Bohn, M.Sc. Psych.

Psychologische Psychotherapeutin für Verhaltenstherapie

Alexandra Kachramanoglou, M.A.

Diagnostik Psychoseambulanz und Research Fellow beim Projekt PGP (Psychosengruppenpsychotherapie)