Our team is dedicated to integrating the issue of sustainability in all areas of IPU Berlin. Universities play an important role in societal transformation processes. There is a scientific consensus that global warming must be limited to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial era in order to prevent devastating consequences However, current efforts to achieve this climate goal in industrial societies are not nearly sufficient. Against this backdrop, we want to try to assume social responsibility. We are committed to ensuring that the issue of sustainability is implemented in the university community, in research and teaching, but also in operations and governance.
E-Mail: green.office(at)ipu-berlin.de
Office hours:
Currently, office hours are held as needed. Please write us an email if you want to join.
Evenets in wintersemester 2023/24
Since winter semester 2023/24, the IPU cooperates with Uni Bremens Virtual Academy for Sustainability. There you can, for example, take the extracurricular subject Environmental Psychology or various other courses related to sustainability and climate protection. We are happy to help you with the selection and registration!
How can I register for a course at the Virtual Academy for Sustainability?
Visit the Oncourse platform of the University of Bremen and create an account. Now you can choose one of the offered courses on the homepage and start working through the content immediately or later.
How can I register for an exam?
One week after the exam dates have been announced by BüSL, if you are logged in to Oncourse, you can click on Register for Exam in the top right menu (opens by clicking on the small arrow next to your initials). Select VAN Exam | IPU Berlin and the desired date. The deadline for registration and deregistration is one week before the respective exam date. Only one course can be examined per date, so you can take a maximum of two courses per semester.
How is the exam conducted?
The exam takes place on-site at the IPU under supervision in an online program. You will receive the access data for the exam and a dummy exam to familiarize yourself with the environment from the VAN to your specified e-mail address. On the day of the exam you have to bring your own laptop. If there are any special technical requirements, we will let you know at least one week before the exam. If you do not have a laptop with you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at any time or write to green.office@ipu-berlin.de.
We wish you exciting learning experiences and of course good luck with the exams!
All students can now earn the IPU Sustainability Certificate.
There are several ways to qualify for the certificate. These include attending events, getting involved in initiatives, developing ideas, or writing final papers.
Here you can find the routing slip, which summarizes the requirements.
Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us.
Du willst wissen, wie du bei uns direkt oder auch sonst an der IPU aktiv werden kannst? Du hast nachhaltige Projektideen, die du umsetzen möchtest? Schreib uns gerne eine E-Mail mit Fragen, oder verabrede einen Termin für ein Online-Treffen.
Lasst uns zusammen überlegen, wie wir als IPU nachhaltiger werden können. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
In the competition of ideas, all students have the chance to contribute to the necessary socio-ecological transformation and by the way win an award and prize money of up to 300€.
We want to invite everyone to think together about how we as IPU can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In the first phase, students can choose a sustainability area (energy, recycling, sustainable procurement, research/education or student engagement). Submit your idea of 250-500 words by November 12, 2023.
Your idea should be for the target group university, members of the university or regarding the university. Answer the following sub-questions:
A jury will decide which ideas will go through to the second round. Then, a second questionnaire will be handed out and students are asked to elaborate their ideas in detail by January 7, 2024.
On January 19, we will hold an awards ceremony at the Research Day.
The best idea will be awarded with a prize money of 300€ and the implementation of the idea will be pushed by us. The 2nd +3rd place will be awarded with a certificate, a small prize, and the implementation can be pursued.
Ihr braucht für euren nächsten Sonntagsbrunch ein Waffeleisen, wollt endlich eure Gardinenstangen aufhängen, euch fehlt aber die passende Bohrmaschine oder ihr habt bei euren Büchern ausgemistet und wisst nicht wohin damit? Kommt in die GreenOffice Leih- und Tauschbörse und findet die passende Person, die euch entweder leihen kann was ihr braucht oder euch eure aussortierten Schätze abnimmt. Schreibt uns einfach eine kurze Mail und wir schicken euch den Link zur Gruppe zu.
Hier findet ihr unsere Nachhaltigkeitskarte mit unseren Lieblingsspots für nachhaltiges Leben, Essen und Lernen in Berlin. Wenn ihr eure liebsten Orte zur Karte hinzufügen wollt, schickt uns einfach eine kurze Mail.
Event series in the summer semester 2023
"The Climate is Changing: How Can We?"
Further information on the event series
The GreenOffice model is part of a student movement that started in the Netherlands and then became a global movement. It is based on the idea of transforming universities as important actors in society and to address the climate crisis from here. As IPU GreenOffice we try to act on different levels:
University Community
We support students in realizing their own projects and ideas. For this purpose, we offer regular office hours, where you are welcome to drop by. We also regularly organize competitions regarding ideas for sustainability. And we have introduced the IPU Sustainability Certificate, which you receive for your sustainable engagement and acquisition of knowledge.
Research and Teaching
Are you interested in climate psychology or in the psychoanalytic discourse on the climate crisis? We regularly upload an overview of events taking place surrounding this topic at IPU. We are also hosting an exciting series of events on the topic of the climate crisis and psychoanalysis ourselves in summer semester 2023.
Operations and Governance
Our goal is to put IPU on the path to becoming a climate-neutral university. This includes regular climate audits of university operations and the introduction of waste separation. Through our idea competitions, all IPU members are encouraged to think about how we can make our university more sustainable. Here, the GreenOffice takes on the role of a coordinating office and supports the implementation of projects and ideas.
External Communication
We believe is an important function of universities to support and accompany social change from a scientific perspective. This includes the creation of suitable information and exchange opportunities for civil society and decision-makers in politics, economy and media. The IPU’s unique profile as a psychoanalytic university, a possible contribution to political and social discourse is to make scientific contributions to the emotional, psychosocial and social consequences of climate change. The GreenOffice informs about events and supports the coordination of information and exchange opportunities.