IPU Campus News

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IPU Campus News 12/2023
Review of the Year by IPU President Prof. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz

IPU Campus News 11/2023
IPU graduates will be able to stay connected with our university via IPU Connect. Register as an Almuni and find out about upcoming networking events and interesting career opportunities.

IPU Campus News 10/2023
The IPU recently hosted the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance.

IPU Campus News 09/2023
The IPU recently hosted the Bucerius Summer School on Global Governance.

IPU Campus News 08/2023
Conference on Jean Laplanche's psychoanalytic approach and theory, organized bei Prof. Dr. Christine Kirchhoff and Aaron Lahl.

IPU Campus News 07/2023
The Climate is Changing: How Can We? - Event Series of IPU's GreenOffice.

IPU Campus News 06/2023
The IPU Berlin congratulates Yuliya Salauyova on the recent award of the Gustav Heinemann Citizen Award to RAZAM e. V.

IPU Campus News 05/2023
The 2023 Berlin Long Night of the Sciences in collaboration with the Berlin psychoanalytic Institutes will take place on 17 June.

IPU Campus News 04/2023
Zoë Hauptmann (Bachelor) und Jonas Rudolph (Master) submitted the best theses at IPU in 2022.

IPU Campus News 03/2023
Karl Schlecht Foundation has been named Science Foundation of the Year 2023.

IPU Campus News 02/2023
Apply now for a scholarship by the Foundation to Promote University Psychoanalysis.

IPU Campus News 01/2023
Opening ceremony of the Research Training Group on "Trauma and Collective Violence" in cooperation with the KKC Bochum.

IPU Campus News 12/2022
Members of the DAAD-funded StuFen project at IPU Berlin support refugees.

IPU Campus News 11/2022
Junktim e.V. is the first affiliated instute of the IPU Berlin.

IPU Campus News 10/2022
Erich Fromm-Lecture with Prof. Hans-Jürgen Wirth on November 30.

IPU Campus News 09/2022
Six doctoral scholarships issued by the IPU Berlin and the KKC Bochum.

IPU Campus News 08/2022
Apply now for a project tutorial. An opportunity for all IPU students.

IPU Campus News 07/2022
Apply now for the winter semester 2022/2023. Next Info Session for prospective students: 26. August 2022, 5pm.

IPU Campus News 06/2022
Long Night of the Sciences 2022 at the IPU - joint programm with the Berlin psychoanalytic institutes.

IPU Campus News 05/2022
IPU Berlin ranked one of the best universities to study psychology, apply now for the winter semester 2022/2023.

IPU Campus News 04/2022
The summer semester 2022 starts at the IPU Berlin, featuring another Library Talk on 12 May and the second Horst Kächele Webinar on 9 July.

IPU Campus News 03/2022
Webinar about our new MA Psychology focusing on Organisation

IPU Campus News 02/2022
This year's IPU Summer School "The Future Now?!" will take place from June 27 to July 8
International academics and students will together look into the technological, ecological, political and social challenges of the present and future from an interdisciplinary psychological perspective.

IPU Campus News 01/2022
The IPU is starting the new year with a series of exciting events, including a panel discussion on neuropsychoanalysis and a webinar on the theory of mind as part of the Horst Kächele visiting professorship.
In his current column, IPU President Olbertz explains why the attempt to reconstruct Beethoven's tenth symphony with artificial intelligence, above all, shows the limits of AI technology.


IPU Campus News 12/2021
Review of the Year by IPU President Jan-Hendrik Olbertz
As the year comes to a close, Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz looks back on 2021, which brought progress to the IPU, but was also still under the influence of the global pandemic. Olbertz’s “greatest wish for the new year is to get back to an 'analog' academic normalcy”.

IPU Campus News 11/2021
Now online: the video recording of the Library Talk on Racism & Psychoanalysis.
In the November Column IPU President Jan-Hendrik Olbertz describes the difficulties of going through a day without a mobile phone.

IPU Campus News 10/2021
The International Office is pleased to welcome Prof. Mark Solms and Prof. Roger Frie to the IPU Berlin.
Roger Frie will hold this year’s Erich Fromm Lecture (18 November) at the IPU Berlin, titled Trauma and Silence: Erich Fromm, the Holocaust and Historical Responsibility.

IPU Campus News 09/2021

"Digital Domestication?" – IPU President Jan-Hendrik Olbertz about the conditions of academic life
The International Office is thrilled to announce a new partner university in Austria: the Alpen Adria University in Klagenfurt.

IPU Campus News 08/2021
"Don't wait, vaccinate" – August Column by Prof. Dr. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz
Starting with this issue, the IPU President will be commenting on contemporary, timeless, psychoanalytic and political matters in the Campus News.

IPU Campus News 07/2021
Our psychoanalytic podcast "50 Minuten" is back (available in German)
In the first episode, we got to talk with IPU Professor Gunther Meinlschmidt about psychological health.

IPU Campus News 06/2021
Jan-Hendrik Olbertz to become President of the IPU
The former Minister of Culture in Saxony-Anhalt and former president of the Humboldt University will succeed Interim President Lilli Gast in July.

IPU Campus News 05/2021
Graduates are very happy with their studies at IPU Berlin
Results of the Graduate Survey 2019 show above all that IPU student value the practical relevance of their studies.

IPU Campus News 04/2021
WIPU opening in Winter 2021/2022 Semester
IPU Berlin's psychotherapy training instute will offer an unique training in which studying and psychotherapy will be interlocked.

IPU Campus News 03/2021
Next Library Talk "Psychoanalysis and Queer Theory" with Dr. Leon Brenner and Dr. Eve Watson
The international research network on social trauma with project head Prof. Andreas Hamburger recently received the Gravida Award 2020 for their anthology "Forched Migration and Social Trauma".

IPU Campus News 02/2021
Application Deadline for the Summer Semester Extended
Prospective Students still have until May 2021 to apply for the new BA Psychology, MA Cultural Studies, and MA Interdisciplinary Psychosis Therapy programs.  

IPU Campus News 01/2021
The IPU rooms will remain quiet in 2021
While we are hoping for positive developments towards meeting in person, we are also glad for the ability to continually expand our online resources. 

IPU Campus News 12/2020
The year at a glance by IPU President Prof. Dr. Lilli Gast
A year overshadowed by the global Coronavirus pandemic is behind us, but it did not leave the IPU unchanged.

IPU Campus News 11/2020
Dr. Rainer Funk has been awarded the IPU Honorary Medal
For the first time since its opening, the number of students at IPU has surpassed 700.

IPU Campus News 10/2020
Erich Fromm Lecture 2020
On 17 November 2020, Prof. Dr. Jürgen Hardeck will speak about Fromm's new view on people and society.

IPU Campus News 09/2020
Statement on the Psychotherapy Training Law Reform
Prof. Dr. Birgit Stürmer explains what the new law reform means for IPU students and new students in this Video.

IPU Campus News 08/2020
Preparations for the coming winter semester
Hybrid class formats are being planned for, and some in-person classes should be able to take place according to pandemic restrictions.

IPU Campus News 07/2020
Prof. Dr. Lilli Gast will re-join the IPU on 1 August as Interim President 
After a long, difficult illness, Prof. Dr. Dr. Horst Kächele passed away on 28 June 2020.

IPU Campus News 06/2020
Prof. Dr. Ilka Quindeau will leave her position as University President on 31 July 2020 
We would like to express our thanks for her time as president and wish Mrs. Quindeau all the best for her future.

IPU Campus News 05/2020
Successful Reaccreditation
The IPU is and will remain a university. It was awarded its status as a Universität back in 2014 by the Senate of Berlin as confirmed by the German Council of Science and Humanities.

IPU Campus News 04/2020
IPU's Corona Blog: Psychoanalysis in a Pandemic
As members of IPU, we are combining our strengths to show our university’s spirit in these strange times.

IPU Campus News 03/2020
Restrictions due to Coronavirus
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has reached Berlin. This means that IPU is also facing some changes.

IPU Campus News 02/2020
About the state approval of IPU as a training institute
In the future, training will be possible in tiefenpsychologisch fundierter Psychotherapie as well as analytical psychotherapy.

IPU Campus News 01/2020
Perspectives on Dedicated Humanism. On the occasion of Erich Fromm's 120th Birthday.
We welcome you into 2020 and wish you a happy and healthy start to the new year.


IPU Campus News 12/2019
Summer School 2020
Before the holidays begin and the year 2019 ends, we would like to inform you about new developments at the IPU.

IPU Campus News 11/2019
Hartmut Rosa from Jena as IPU's Guest
With every start into the winter semester, the year already nears its end. Yet we still have a few events planned before Christmas that we warmly invite you to.

IPU Campus News 10/2019
IPU Celebrates its 10th Birthday
The 10-year anniversary of IPU’s opening will be celebrated with a variety of events. Prof. Dr. Dr. Dorothea Huber will start it off with a talk on the topic of burnout—what to do within the dialogue forum Psychoanalysis meets Organisation.

IPU Campus News 09/2019
Erich Fromm Lecture 2019
The graduates of the IPU are exceptionally satisfied with their studies and appreciate the professional relevance of their course contents. This is shown by the representative survey results of the Graduate Panel 2017 of the Institute for Applied Statistics (istat), in which degrees at several universities were compared with each other.

IPU Campus News 08/2019
Studying at IPU: The New Image Film
August is usually a quiet month at the IPU: lecture halls are deserted and the holidays still in full swing. Our next events are coming up in September. 

IPU Campus News 07/2019
Holidays Have Begun
Like every summer, the halls of the IPU get quieter. The last lectures of the summer semester are held this week and the summer holidays begin!

IPU Campus News 06/2019
Long Night of Sciences
In the summer temperatures, radioeins visited IPU during this year’s “Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften” to report on the evening live from the IPU library.