
Admissions Criteria and Application Procedure

The IPU chooses its students itself. Using our individualised selection process as the basis, we ensure that our students are also suitable for us – and we are for them. Doing so, we do not regard the secondary school results (A levels equivalents) as the primary criterion for a successful course of studies, for which reason we also do not have a numerus clausus limitation on the number of study places on our courses.

Winter semester 2024/2025

German HZB/certificates
For your application to the IPU, please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form.

Foreign HZB/certificates
If you have not obtained or will not obtain your university entrance qualification (Abitur or comparable school-leaving certificate, Bachelor's degree, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) at a German school or university, please apply directly via the online portal uni-assist.

A higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung - HZB), also known as a university entrance qualification, entitles you to study at a college or university.

Applications for the next intake (winter semester 2024/25) will be open from 15 April until 22. September 2024.

German HZB/certificates
For your application to the IPU, please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form.

Foreign HZB/certificates
If you have not obtained or will not obtain your university entrance qualification (Abitur or comparable school-leaving certificate, Bachelor's degree, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) at a German school or university, please apply directly via the online portal uni-assist.

A higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung - HZB), also known as a university entrance qualification, entitles you to study at a college or university.

Applications for the next intake (winter semester 2024/25) will be open from 15 April until 22. September 2024.

Application via uni-assist
To apply for our English track MA Psychology programme, please apply online via uni-assist. uni-assist is a non-profit organisation that evaluates international school and university certificates on behalf of German universities. uni-assist examines if the submitted school/university certificates are equivalent to German school/university degrees, i.e. whether they qualify in principle for admission to university studies in Germany.

German HZB/certificates
If you studied in Germany  and have German HZB/certificates, you do not need to apply via uni-assist. Please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form.

The application deadline for the next intake (winter semester 2024/25) has been extended until 31 July 2024. Applicants with German certificates can apply via Campus Net until 22. September. If you have an international qualification, please apply through Uni Assist and visit for further information.
Please note the individual visa deadlines.

Application via uni-assist
To apply for our MA Psychology focusing on Organisation – Transformation Processes in Work, Society and Environment programme, please apply online via uni-assist. uni-assist is a non-profit organisation that evaluates international school and university certificates on behalf of German universities. uni-assist examines if the submitted school/university certificates are equivalent to German school/university degrees, i.e. whether they qualify in principle for admission to university studies in Germany.

German HZB/certificates
If you studied in Germany  and have German HZB/certificates, you do not need to apply via uni-assist. Please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form.

The application deadline for the next intake (winter semester 2024/25) has been extended until 31 July 2024. Applicants with German certificates can apply via Campus Net until 22. September. If you have an international qualification, please apply through Uni Assist and visit for further information.
Please note the individual visa deadlines.

German HZB/certificates
For your application to the IPU, please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form. You can complete or change your entry at any time after logging in, until your application is complete.

Applications for the next intake (winter semester 2024/25) will be open from 15 April until 22. September 2024.

Doctoral Studies at the IPU

Information regarding doctoral studies at the IPU Berlin can be found here.

Summer semester 2024

German HZB/certificates
For your application to the IPU, please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form.

Foreign HZB/certificates
If you have not obtained or will not obtain your university entrance qualification (Abitur or comparable school-leaving certificate, Bachelor's degree, Diplom, Magister, Staatsexamen) at a German school or university, please apply directly via the online portal uni-assist.

A higher education entrance qualification (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung - HZB), also known as a university entrance qualification, entitles you to study at a college or university.

Applications for the summer semester 2024 will be open from 15 November 2023 until 25 March 2024.

German HZB/certificates
For your application to the IPU, please create a new account in our campus management system. After registration you will receive an e-mail with the login details for your user account, which you can use to log in and fill out the application form. You can complete or change your entry at any time after logging in, until your application is complete.

Applications for the summer semester 2024 will be open from 15 November 2023 until 25 March 2024.

Interview instead of numerus clausus limitation rule

All applicants who apply online and fulfil the formal requirements are invited to a personal selection interview. The university executive board then decides on the applicant's acceptance onto the respective course, while taking into consideration the various documents submitted and the impression gained at the selection interview. We inform the applicants in writing about our decision as quickly as possible.