The Deutschlandstipendium at the IPU Berlin

Information about Offerings and Appying

At the International Psychoanalytic Universiy Berlin, you have the opportunity to apply for a Deutschlandstipendium (transl. Germany Scholarship). This scholarship is awarded in the amount of 300 euro per month and is funded partially through private donations and partially by the Federal Republic of Germany.

The purpose of the Deutschlandstipendium is to support students who, based on prior engagement and accomplishments, as well as social, familial, and personal circumstances, show notable potential and excellent performance in their studies or career.

Applications for the Deutschlandstipendim are open for students who are enrolled at the IPU Berlin and are within the standard period of study for their study program.

A new topic-based class of the Deutschlandstipendium will start at IPU Berlin in the winter 2024/25 semeester. In addition, successor places can be awarded in the current classes. In each of the themed classes, five scholarship holders will be supported, who will exchange ideas on a scientific issue as part of their studies and will be accompanied by an IPU professor. The class meets at loose intervals, approximately twice a semester, and discusses the topic, which can also be incorporated into term papers or final theses, for example.

The topic-based classes are:


Sponsored by the "Priv.-Doz. Dr. Harald Leupold-Löwenthal" endowment fund“.

Prof. Benigna Gerischis the contact person and supervisor of this class.


Sponsored by the "Priv.-Doz. Dr. Harald Leupold-Löwenthal" endowment fund“.

Prof. Phil Langer is the contact person and supervisor of this class.


Sponsored by the Friedrich Foundation Hannover.

Prof. Jan-Hendrik Olbertz and Tara Loeber (Research Associate) are the contact persons and supervisors of this class.


Sponsored by the IPU Fundraisers Association and the Foundation to Promote University Psychoanalysis.

Prof. Birgit Stürmer und Prof. Thomas Kühn are the contact persons and supervisors of this class.


Bachelor's and master's students can apply for both a general, i. e. a topic-based, and a non-topic-based Deutschlandstipendium. The latter means that they must also state their preferred topic-based class in their application and explain their interest in it in a short letter of motivation. If you are interested in a class, you must state your preferred topic and an alternative topic as a second preference. The second choice must also be briefly explained in the letter of motivation. A selection committee will then decide on the scholarship recipients as well as the makeup of each topic group.

The scholarship is unrelated to receiving BAföG or one's income level. Only students who are already receiving a merit or performance-based scholarship from a public or publicly funded institution in the amount of 30 Euro per month or more are excluded from receiving the Deutschlandstipendium.


Als IPU-Studierende können Sie sich für das Deutschlandstipendium bewerben. Das Bewerbungsfenster für das Sommersemester 2025 ist vom 2. Dezember 2024 bis zum 31. Januar 2024 geöffnet.

Die Stipendien werden für maximal ein Jahr vergeben. Verlängerungen sind möglich und werden in den Bewilligungsschreiben geregelt. Ein Anspruch auf Verlängerung eines Stipendiums besteht dabei nicht.

Für das Sommersemester 2025 können vier ungebundene sowie zwei themengebundene Stipendien (einschließlich möglicher Verlängerungen) vergeben werden. Bei den themengebundenden Stipendien können Sie sich für ein Stipendium in der Themenklasse Zukunft (als Zweitwunsch wäre dann die Themenklasse Aggression und Gewalt anzugeben) oder für ein Stipendium in der Themenklasse Aggression und Gewalt (Zweitwunsch Zukunft) bewerben.

Bitte denken Sie auch bei den nicht-themengebundenen Stipendien an Ihr Motivationsschreiben.

Verlängerungen des Deutschlandstipendiums beantragen Sie bitte bei Rovena Biletzki per Mail.

Apply for a Deutschlandstipendium

Awarding the Deutschlandstipendium

Amount and Duration of the Scholarship
Applicants will be informed whether they will receive a scholarship at the beginning of the semester, for which they have applied (i.e., in April for the summer semester, in October for the winter semester).

Individual information on the scholarship duration will be provided in the grant notice. The grant notice will also indicate the scholarship amount and maximum duration. The scholarship's maximum duration is analog to the standard period of study for each study program (generally six semesters for bachelor's programs and four semesters for master's programs) minus the number of semesters the student has completed at the time of application.

Our Sponsors

We would like to thank our sponsors for making the Deutschlandstipendium possible for our students this year:


  • Dr. Ida di Pietro Leupold-Löwenthal
  • The Foundation to Support University Psychoanalysis
  • IPU Berlin Fundraisers Association
  • Friedrich Foundation Hannover

Contact by email.