Information on financing studies through scholarships, student loans, student grants and study support at the IPU Berlin, in addition to financial support under the German Professional Education Support Act (BaföG), or student jobs and other funding possibilities.
Funding Your Research in Germany
Study Financing Options
The principle: One half from the German Federal Government, the other half from you
The German National Scholarship Program enables students to receive a scholarship of €300 per month. Of this amount, €150 per month comes from private sources and €150 is provided by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). A one-year scholarship consists, therefore, of a donation amount starting at 1,800 Euro. The International Psychoanalytic University Berlin participates in this program.
Who will be sponsored?
Particularly capable and dedicated students will be sponsored. Beyond that, the IPU Berlin places particular importance on the consideration of other factors that make up a dedicated personality. This means that study achievements as well as community engagement, individual initiative, and special personal circumstances, such as family care or immigrant status, are considered in the selection process.