After the completing intake during a telephone consultation, the clinic’s psychotherapists will conduct an informational interview, in which further steps towards an outpatient, inpatient, or psychosocial treatment can be discussed together if necessary.
Depending on the state of our waiting list, we can also accept patients for treatment. You will receive notice in 4-6 weeks if treatment can take place in our offices or if you will be provided a referral.
We treat adults as well as children and adolescents.
Our clinic hours (by telephone) are always Monday 10:30–12:30, Tuesday 13–15, and Friday 10:30–12:30. You can reach us through the following number: 030 300 117-800.
According to §117 SGB V (paragraph 117 of the social security code, book 5), the clinic is licensed to bill services to statutory health insurance. Privately insured individuals can also submit their receipts to their insurance providers for reimbursement. Anyone interested in participating in a study at the university clinic is invited to contact the staff for the relevant study using the contact information provided under the “Research” section at the top of this page.
Our therapy services cover a wide range of officially recognized psychotherapy approaches (psychoanalytic psychotherapy, psychodynamic psychotherapy, as well as cognitive-behavioral therapy) and include all age groups and disorders. We offer parent-infant-toddler psychotherapy (“ESKP” analytic method) as well as psychotherapy for children, adolescents, and adults, in addition to group therapy as well. Treatment in English is also possible.
Analytic psychotherapy addresses both currently emerging and longer-term mental disorders, which are related to deeper conflicts, relationship patterns, and personality structures.
In an intensive therapeutic setting with multiple sessions per week (at least in part), treatment can help to better understand and work through current relationship experiences and conflicts in the context of earlier relationships. Analytic psychotherapy can often bring about lasting change in physical and mental symptoms, and it can help the patient reach a more stable feeling of self-worth and self-awareness.
The treatment can be organized as up to 3 sessions per week lying on the couch, or as “modified analysis” sitting in a chair. Statutory health insurance will pay for up to 300 sessions.
Psychodynamic psychotherapy (German: tiefenpsychologisch fundierte Psychotherapie, TfP) is primarily based on psychodynamic techniques originating in psychoanalysis. For patients, this means that they and their therapist will get to the bottom of their current conflicts in relation to their personal history. In comparison to psychoanalysis, psychodynamic psychotherapy treatment takes place at a lower frequency, as in, fewer sessions per week and over a shorter period of time (generally up to 100 sessions). For psychodynamic psychotherapy, the readiness to delve into one’s own personality and personal history is just as important as the motivation to be committed to a therapy treatment for a longer period of time.
In comparison to psychodynamic methods, cognitive-behavioral therapy focuses primarily with the patient’s current experiences. During treatment, therapists can help patients explore the questions as to how their conscious experiences and behaviors are related to their current suffering. In this way, they can work on techniques to change thought and behavior in order to bring about new perspectives on existing views.
Mental and emotional problems can affect people of any age. Our clinic also treats infants, children, and adolescents from ages 0 to 21. In addition to the opportunity to speak, the IPU clinic rooms for infant, child and adolescent psychotherapy offer toys and materials for creative expression. During infant and toddler therapy, parents or caretakers also participate in sessions. Starting around Kindergarten and school age, sessions focus primarily on playing and take place alone with the children. Parents/caretakers will also receive consultation sessions and will be involved in the therapy process. Starting from age 15, adolescents and young adults are legally allowed to decide for themselves whether their parents/caretakers should be involved in the process. If the adolescent patient agrees to this, their parents/caretakers will also be offered regular consultation sessions. The IPU clinic uses psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral methods for children of all ages.
Late adolescence and early adulthood can involve the development of conflicts specific to these phases of life, which don’t necessarily have to do with the transition from childhood to adulthood. The IPU clinic offers patients of these ages (18-25) psychodynamic group therapy alongside individual therapy.
After the birth of a child, many parents suffer from low spirits, self doubt, mood swings, pronounced anxieties or compulsive thoughts. Others reach their limits due to a child’s regulatory issues. During the infant and toddler clinic hours, parents with children younger than one year old can turn to specially qualified therapists. After many years of experience and international studies, it has been established that a timely parent-infant-toddler psychotherapy (German: Eltern-Säugling-Kleinkind-Psychotherapie, ESKP) can provide relief for parents and children as well as support for further development, attachment, and pre-verbal communication. In this form of therapy, both parents and their children are in treatment
During an initial consultation, our qualified therapists will address your questions on pregnancy, birth, and your child up to age three. If you are interested, please contact our clinic during opening hours and we will do our best to schedule an appointment for the first meeting shortly thereafter.
At the IPU university outpatient clinic, we offer particular expertise in psychodynamic group psychotherapy. This is the therapeutic treatment in group settings (in the context of an analytic group therapy or psychodynamic group therapy).
Generally, groups are mixed with regards to age and gender, but we do offer a therapeutic group for young adults ages 18-25 in order to give space to the particular challenges that young adults face.
Analytic group therapy is a long-term treatment once a week in a group of 6-9 participants.
Since individual symptoms most often originate from conflictual, social relationships (i.e. in the birth family) and are also, visa versa, more noticeable in the context of social relationships, analytic group therapy can help patients to understand and change their generally unconscious relationship dynamics from various perspectives with the help of a group.
The group is a sounding board for the verbal exchange of feelings in relationships with others. The free communication makes it clear how social relationships are colored by distorted perception, prejudices or projections. In the group, these biases can be brought into question. New relationship experiences will be possible, because the group’s communication leads to better awareness in each of the participants. Through the group, it is possible to better understand one’s own internal world and to learn how to discern which feelings from earlier relationships are repeating themselves in current relationships. This is possible, because the group is a safe space, but also a social microcosm, in which diverse people with a variety of lifestyles come together. One’s own prejudices, stereotypes, and anxieties in relationships with others are central themes in an analytic group psychotherapy.
As a long-term treatment, analytic group therapy can last from 2 to 4 years.
In comparison to analytic group psychotherapy, psychodynamic group therapy is somewhat shorter (usually 2 years) and focuses more on relationship dynamics in the here and now.
The Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin– a cooperation between the IPU university outpatient clinic and the Charité university outpatient clinic at the St. Hedwig hospital (PUK SHK) – treats patients with schizophrenia and schizoaffective psychoses.
More information about the Psychosis Outpatient Clinic Berlin >>>
We offer special office hours in the IPU clinic for adults who are potentially affected by ADHD, which includes diagnosing, psychoeducation, and mentalization-based group therapy. The ADHD clinic hours involve a full diagnostic battery and an evaluation afterwards in either German or English. In addition, after completing the diagnostic process, it is possible to take part in a psychoeducation group in German for people with ADHD, which especially focuses on ist social and emotional aspects (body image, mentalization, affect regulation, relationship formation).
Under the following link you will find our director Dr. Lenka Staun in conversation with the podcast "Smart & Well" about the diagnosis, symptoms, course and treatment of ADHD in adulthood.
Diagnostic process according to current scientific standards and with an emphasis on the psychodynamic perspective, with which the entire person and their life history are the central focus – in German and English. We attend to both neuropsychological and psychodynamic aspects (especially insecure attachment and developmental impairments), and provide a treatment recommendation on this basis, which takes the newest psychotherapeutic and pharmacological developments into consideration.
Psychoeducation in a German-speaking group with other ADHD patients with a focus on its social and emotional aspects (body image, mentalization, affect regulation, relationship formation) – in order to deal with receiving the diagnosis of ADHD as an adult and its meaning for one’s own life, to provide support, and allow for an conversations about skills and how to handle the everyday stresses and hurdles specific to ADHD.
Mentalization-based group therapy in accordance with the newes studies, which have shown promising results for the treatment of patients in this type of setting.
Die Leiterin unserer Ambulanz, Dr. Lenka Staun, sprach im Inforadio des RBB zu unserem ADHS-Schwerpunkt und über unsere Therapie sowie Studien zur Behandlung der ADHS bei Erwachsenen.
Auf Englisch spricht Dr. Lenka Staun im Podcast „Smart & Well“ über Diagnostik, Symptome, Verlauf und Behandlung der ADHS im Erwachsenenalter.
Interessierte Patient:innen können sich gerne per Mail an unser Sekretariat der Hochschulambulanz wenden. Lassen Sie uns zur Kontakaufnahme Ihre Telefonnummer zukommen, dann rufen wir Sie zurück.
In addition to the standard psychotherapy approaches, our outpatient clinic also works with several specialities that are supported by current research. Among them are: