Jung and the origin of the concept of Schizophrenia

Prof. Dr. Andrew Moskowitz, Touro College Berlin, in conversation with Dr. Aleksandar Dimitrijevic

In our IPU Library Talk, Prof. Dr. A. Moskowitz will give a lecture about "Jung and the origin of the concept of Schizophrenia in the dialogue between Zürich, Vienna and Paris".

In late 1900, Carl Jung arrived at the Burghölzli, a large psychiatric hospital outside of Zürich under the leadership of Eugen Bleuler. Over the next 8-9 years, Jung worked closely with Bleuler in developing the concept of Schizophrenia, informed by the ideas of Pierre Janet in Paris, while developing an intense personal relationship with Sigmund Freud. Under pressure from Freud, Jung and Bleuler attempted to apply his new ideas to the concept of Schizophrenia, but ultimately failed.

Instead, when revealed in 1908, Bleuler's Schizophrenia showed great debt to the ideas of Pierre Janet and the concept of dissociation, from the name itself, to Bleuler's concept of splitting and Jung's conception of 'emotionally-charged complexes'. While Schizophrenia's current conceptualization is a far cry from Bleuler and Jung's initial notions, their original ideas bear re-examination - particularly in light of contemporary evidence linking Schizophrenia and dissociation.

Andrew Moskowitz, Ph.D., is Professor of Psychology and Dean of Undergraduate Programs at Touro College Berlin. He is the current president of the European Society for Trauma and Dissociation (ESTD), former executive board member of the International Society for Social and Psychological Approaches to the Psychoses (ISPS) and associate editor of the European Journal of Trauma and Dissociation.

For the past 15 years, Prof. Moskowitz has been dedicated to exploring connections between the fields of trauma and dissociation on the one hand, and psychosis and schizophrenia, on the other, from historical, conceptual, empirical and clinical perspectives. He is the author of numerous publications in this area, as well as the lead editor of Psychosis, Trauma and Dissociation: Emerging Perspectives on Severe Psychopathology (Wiley, 2008), the 2nd edition of which will be published in 2018.

Dienstag, 27. Juni 2017
Beginn 19.00 Uhr
Eintritt frei

Veranstaltungsort ist die Bibliothek der IPU Berlin, Stromstraße 2, 2. OG, 10555 Berlin.

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