MA Leadership and Consulting

Psychodynamically Founded Organizational Development

Expertise and administrative management skills are the basis for successful and satisfying work as a manager or consultant. Yet that alone is not enough in the role of manager or consultant. The most burdensome problems often do not lie in the professional, economic or technical, but in the interpersonal area. The way in which we react to others always originates in our own personality and life history. This often leads to open or hidden conflicts in organizations, which lead to unfulfilled possibilities, decreased commitment, rises in sick days or project failures.

Course of Studies

Social-psychological knowledge and competences are therefore of decisive importance for good leadership and counselling as well as for the further development of organisations. By contributing to a climate of trust, they promote personal development and prepare the ground for organisational growth.


This part-time Master's programme is aimed at managers and consultants. It aims to provide you with socio-psychologically sound knowledge for sustainable leadership and consulting. To this end, you will take on a psychodynamically oriented interdisciplinary perspective when studying, which builds on psychoanalysis and combines it with approaches in humanist and systemic psychology as well as economics and social sciences in order to enable modern leadership and counselling.


The course places great emphasis on the transfer of theory and practice. You will be able to reflect on your own practical experience and test new, scientifically based methods in a trusted setting.

Key Data

Questions about study course
Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn, Head of study course
Stromstr. 3b - Room 1.03
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-752

Conceptual realisation of study course
Dr. Ronny Jahn
Stromstr. 1 - Room 4.02
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-715

For questions about the organisation of the studies
Katja Overmann
Stromstr. 3b - Room 0.42
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-562

on site and phone office hours in the winter semester 2024/25 ( 14.10.2024 - 08.02.2025)

thursdays 11-12 pm and by appointment


  • Examination Office M.A. Leadership and Counselling
  • questions about studies, course of studies
  • lecturer support
  • prospective student consultation


Personal office hours in the lecture free period

by appointment

Reachable by phone during regular office hours. Individual appointments in person or as a video call through Microsoft Teams are also possible.

Questions about application
Marius Digel
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-543
Victoria Shefer
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-547
Stromstr. 3b - Room 0.40/0.39

Head Prof. Dr. Thomas Kühn / Dr. Amira Barrech
Degree (executive) 90 credit points: Master of Arts
Degree (extended) 120 credi points: Master of Arts; IPU certified coach; certificate for psychodynamic interviewing
Type Part-time, extra-occupational
Credits 90 credit points or 120 credit points
Duration 4 or 6 Semesters
Number of Students max. 20 per year
Attendance Each semester 4 x 1,5 days (Friday afternoon/Saturday) + 1 block week
Teaching Formats Lecture, seminar, workshop, training groups, Tavistock conference
Teaching Language German, some English
Prerequisites Previous bachelor's degree, plus at least one year of relevant professional experience
Tuition (executive) 570€ monthly, 3,300€ per semester, or 12,600€ in advance
Tuition (extended) 570€ monthly, 3,300€ per semester, or 18,300€ in advance, additional costs for teaching supervision with an external supervisor
Start of Studies Winter semester


The contents of the studies are, among others: organisational development from a psychodynamic perspective; organisations in transition; leading and being led; leadership and containment; psychodynamically oriented inverviewing; coaching; supervision; directing organisational development, group and team processes; crisis and conflict management; Balint oriented group teaching supervision.


As part of your studies, you will train in various competencies that are central to management and consulting functions:

  • Analysis and diagnostic competence: psychodynamically sound understanding of psychosocial dynamics in organisations and different corporate cultures; strengthening of self-perception and perception of others in different contexts
  • Leadership competence: understanding and practice of leadership with a goal of sustainability
  • Consulting competence: psychodynamically based planning, implementation and evaluation of consulting processes
  • Management skills: changing organizational cultures and associated structures, as well as designing and planning training courses and workshops.
  • Conflict Competences: conflict Analysis, Conflict Management and Conflict Resolution


You can use these competencies in numerous areas of application: in the design of leadership processes, personnel and team development, organizational development, change management, innovation management and strategy planning, mediation and conflict management, moderation, management consulting, coaching as well as individual and group supervision.


„Anyone who wonders why and how organisations actually function and anyone who does not shy away from observing the underlying phenomena in their own self during the learning process is in the right place here. For me, the Leadership and Consulting course has made a major contribution to my personal and my personnel development.“


Dr. Heidrun Munker, School Developer

The IPU participates in the Deutschlandstipendium programme, a scholarship programme funded by the German government and open to applications from all students. The most important criteria for receiving this scholarship of € 300 per month are previous performance, social commitment and a possible financial need.

Since 2019, the IPU has been a member of the Studentische Darlehenskasse Berlin e.V. (DAKA). This means, that as an IPU student you get a loan with some of the best conditions in Berlin.

IPU Berlin is pleased to announce its latest partnership with Brain Capital. The agreement enables students to conclude reverse generation contracts to finance their studies. Find out more on the IPU and Brain Capital website.

You can find current financing options here.

  • Opportunities for advancement and development: psychologically based consulting and leadership skills are increasingly important in all areas, but are only seldomly part of a study course
  • Strengthening your own identity as a leader or consultant: authority and security in the insecure terrain of leadership and consulting within a variety of professional settings
  • Recognized consultant training: possible degree as a coach or supervisor
  • Study at a top level: all classes are led by renowned instructors from both academia and practice, who are leaders in their respective fields
  • Customized course material: no abstract rote learning, oriented towards your own experiences
  • Transfer between theory and practice: small selected groups will combine experience with theory and try out new approaches
  • Network-building: the carefully selected study group enables a high quality environment for the exchange of experiences and individual development. Additionally, we maintain contact with professors in the areas of work and organizational psychology from the following universities: FU Berlin, TU Berlin, ESMT Berlin, Universität Bremen, Coventry University, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main, Universität Kassel, Universität Klagenfurt, Universität St. Gallen, Universität Witten-Herdecke and the Zeppelin-Universität in Friedrichshafen.


Within the Master's programme Leadership and Consulting, students participate in in-person courses during four weekends and one block week per semester alongside their own careers. The study programme is structured as an advanced-studies course with a focus on leadership and organisation and includes preliminary studies (completion of foundational modules and the first two semesters). The standard period of study for this programme is two years, and results in a Master of Arts (M.A.).


Scope: 90 credits total, 60 for courses



The extended study programme with a focus on consulting and research (after completion of the foundational modules and first two semesters) lasts for three years. Graduates are eligible to become licensed consultants, coaches, and supervisors, according to policies established by the respective associations (DGSV, DBVC).


The extended programme includes

  • Three additional modules
  • Practical activities in the form of independently conducted consulting processes or change projects in companies and organizations as well as research projects
  • A research project
  • Teaching supervision to accompany independently conducted consultations


Interested students also have the opportunity to participate in a mentoring program.


Scope: 120 credits total, 90 for courses


„Anyone who wonders why and how organisations actually function and anyone who does not shy away from observing the underlying phenomena in their own self during the learning process is in the right place here. For me, the Leadership and Consulting course has made a major contribution to my personal and my personnel development.“


Kai Kuljurgis, Management Consultant

This study course is oriented towards all who, as managers or consultants, understand the dynamics in organisations and wants to contribute to the success of satisfactory working relationships. Prerequisites for the programme are a prior bachelor's degree (or equivalent level) in fields such as psychology, sociology, pedagogy, economics, law, or medicine, as well as relevant professional experience.


Find current application deadlines here.

Executive: 570€ monthly, 3,300€ per semester, or 12,600€ in advance. 
For students who completed the BSc Psychology at the IPU: €450 per month, €2,600 per semester or full payment of €9,900 in advance

Extended: 570€ monthly, 3,300€ per semester, or 18,300€ in advance, additional costs for teaching supervision with an external supervisor
For students who completed the BSc Psychology at the IPU:  €450 per month, €2,600 per semester or full payment of €14,400 in advance, additional costs for teaching supervision with an external supervisor

Digitalisierung und autonome Lebenspraxis / (Ronny Jahn, Andreas Nolten)
Diplomaten im Dienste der Organisation / (Ronny Jahn, Andreas Nolten)
Aus dem Leben eines zunehmend psychodynamisch arbeitenden Managementberaters / (Kai Kuljurgis, Student „Leadership und Beratung“)
Mit leisen Schritten auf lauten Wegen der Angst begegnen – Supervision im Rettungsdienst / (Sascha Langewand, Student „Leadership und Beratung“)
Betreff: Organisationsberatung / (Rudolf Wimmer, Thomas Giernalczyk, Mathias Lohmer, Ross A. Lazar, Ronny Jahn, Andreas Nolten)
Supervision und Organisationsberatung im Lichte Erich Fromms / (Thomas Kühn)
Woran Agile, Scrum und Co. leiden / (Ronny Jahn)
Zu einem professionalisierungstheoretisch fundierten Verständnis von Supervision / (Thomas Loer)
Das Unbewusste in Unternehmen / (Thomas Giernalczyk, Mathias Lohmer)
Zur Bedeutung des unscheinbaren Sprechaktes: „Herzlich Willkommen“. / (Jahn/Tiedtke)
Das Unbewusste in Organisationen und der intersubjektive Ansatz / (Marga Löwer-Hirsch)
Wer kennt sie nicht. Die Frage, ob das, was gerade geschieht, vom Zufall bestimmt ist, eine logische Konsequenz aus einer Kette von Ereignissen ist oder sogar einem verborgenen Muster folgt, das mit logischen Mitteln allein nicht zu entdecken ist.
Das Flugzeug als Kommunikationsraum / (Tilman Allert)
Handlungsformen, Vergemeinschaftungstypen und Berufsprofile an Bord.
Die Sozialform des Teams als besondere Form von Kollegialität / (Thomas Loer)
Soziologische Konzeptualisierungen und analytische Erwägungen zur Praxis von Teamarbeit und -beratung.

Programme Heads
Contact person for the practical training in counseling
Dr. Carla Albrecht
Dipl.-Psych., systemische Paar- und Familientherapeutin (DGSF), psychodynamische Organisationsberaterin und Coach. Geschäftsführerin und Gesellschafterin bei M19-Manufaktur für Organisationsberatung.
Tilman Allert
Prof. Dr. Tilman Allert
Professor for sociology and social psychology, long-time consultant for transportation systems, hospitality, cosmetics as well as social affairs
Dr. Patrick Ehnis
Political scientist with a focus in gender studies. Research Associate at the IPU Berlin in the area of work and organisational psychology
Prof. Dr. Thomas Giernalczyk
Prof. Dr. Thomas Giernalczyk
Bundeswehr University Munich, Dipl.-Psych, psychoanalyst, organisational consultant, supervisor and coach, chief executive of M19-Manufaktur for Organisational Consulting, partner at IPOM (Institute for psychodynamic Organisational Consulting Munich)
Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Haubl
Prof. Dr. Dr. Rolf Haubl
Director of the Sigmund Freud Institut Frankfurt, professor of sociology and psychoanalytic social psychology at the Goethe University Frankfurt a. M.
Philipp Hommelsheim
Philipp Hommelsheim
Organisationssoziologe und -berater, Gruppendynamiker
Pieter Hutz
Pieter Hutz
Sociologist, group analyst (IGA, D3G), group analysis supervisor and orgnanisational consultant (D3G, DGSv)
Martin Johnsson
Martin Johnsson
Supervisor (DGSv) and organisational consultant
Dr. Ewald Krainz
Dr. Ewald Krainz
Psychologist, habilitated group dynamics expert and organisational developer, chair of the IFAG (Institute for applied group dynamics, e.V.) teaching trainer and consultant
Prof. Dr. Franziska Lamott
Prof. Dr. Franziska Lamott
Professor for social psychology until 2012 (University of Ulm, Forensic Psychotherapy), teaching group analyst, supervisor and organisational consultant (DGSv, D3G), advisor for sciences and research for the D3G
Dr. Thomas Loer
Dr. Thomas Loer
Habilitated sociologist, founding member of "sozialer sinn. Zeitschrift für heurmaneutische Sozialforschung," research focus: cultural sociology, general sociology, object hermeneutics, clinical sociology
Dr. Jan Lohl
Dr. Jan Lohl
Social scientist, coach, supervisor
Dr. Mathias Lohmer
Dr. Mathias Lohmer
Psychologist, psychoanalyst, organisational consultant, supervisor and coach, Partner und Gesellschafter bei M19, Partner at IPOM (Institute for psychodynamic organisational consulting Munich)
Dr. Marga Löwer-Hirsch
Dr. Marga Löwer-Hirsch
Supervisor (DGSv), senior coach (DBVC), psychotherapist/psychoanalyst, director of the Training Institute for Analytic Supervision in Düsseldorf
Andreas Nolten
Andreas Nolten
Economist, supervisor (DGSv), personnel and organisational developer, occupational consultant, managing partner of the consulting firm P+O Gesellschaft für Personal- und Organisationsberatung mbH, Berlin
Gerhard Stey
Gerhard Stey
Organisational consultant, supervisor, management trainer, supervises change processes in organisations; founder and manager of the "Kassel Consulting House"; founding chair of the international forum for system constelations in organisations and work contexts "infosyon e.V."
Claudia Thußbas
Dr. Claudia Thußbas
Psychotherapist, psychoanalyst (DPV, IPA, DGPT), training analyst (DPV/IPA/DGPT), supervisor (individual and group supervision, Balint groups), university instructor
Prof. Dr. Birgit Volmerg
Prof. Dr. Birgit Volmerg
Professor for work and organisational psychology at the University of Bremen
Dr. Beate West-Leuer
Dr. Beate West-Leuer
Psychotherapist, supervisor (DGSv), senior coach (DBVC), director of the insitute "Psychodynamic Organisational Development + Personnel Management e.V. (POP)"

What is unique about this study course?

Students and graduates of the MA Leadership and Consultation course share their experiences in the course and speak about who this master's is right for.