BSc PsychologyPLUS

Undergraduate Bachelor's programme

The IPU understands the human being as biological, social and cultural. During your studies you will learn to understand the individual by considering the background of personal history and the influence of the unconscious. How people develop in social and societal contexts, how they shape their environment and how a beneficial relationship bond can be created with psychological means - these are central components in the Bachelor PsychologyPLUS programme.

The Bachelor of Science PsychologyPLUS is designed as six semesters of full-time study with 180 credit points. Its curriculum covers the classic psychological basics, such as general psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, differential psychology, empirical methods and biopsychology.

Course of Studies

As a graduate of this programme, you are particularly well prepared for further study and training opportunities. You will receive additional qualifications in the field of psychodynamic intervention and specialized psychological English.

By studying at the IPU, you are choosing a first-class university with particularly good supervision by professors, lecturers and the staff of the Studies and Teaching Office and the International Office.

From the very beginning, great emphasis is placed on combining studies with practice and research. The focus is on psychology based in psychoanalysis. Many of the lecturers are themselves psychotherapists or psychoanalysts and impart their knowledge on the basis of years of experience. The IPU is located in the middle of Berlin, yet in a green setting, directly on the river Spree.

At the IPU, you will be studying in a bachelor's program that has adopted the necessary requirements according to the recent psychotherapist training law reform and the corresponding licensure act. IPU allows students to begin their studies according to the new regulations or to make up any missing credits that are necessary for completing the bachelor's program according to the new laws. This allows students to then begin the master's program according to the new regulations.

Key Data

Questions about study course
Leila Kulik and Jeanette Gründer
Stromstr. 3b - Room 0.43
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-545

  • Examination Office B. Sc. Psychology
  • questions about studies, course of studies
  • lecturer support
  • prospective student consultation

Office Hours:
Tue.   11:00 – 13:00 (excluding lecture-free period)
Thu.  12:00 – 14:00

By telephone
Fri. 10:30 - 12:30
additionally: Telephone as well as video consultations by appointment

Questions about application
Marius Digel
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-543
Victoria Shefer
Tel.: +49 30 300 117-547
Stromstr. 3b - Room 0.40/0.39

Head Prof. Dr. Annette Klein
Degree Bachelor of Science
Type Full-time
Credits 180 credit points
Duration 6 semesters
Number of students approx. 70 per academic year
Teaching formats Lecture, practical seminar, in-depth seminar, workshop
Teaching language German
Requirements General higher education entrance qualification or subject-related university entrance qualification according to § 11 Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHg)
Costs Payment € 4,950 per semester, € 860 per month or € 27,500 in advance (with right of termination) or € 24,000 in advance (without right of termination)
Start of studies summer and winter semesters


The Bachelor of Science PsychologyPLUS is designed as six semesters of full-time study with 180 credit points. Its curriculum covers the classic psychological basics, such as general psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, differential psychology, empirical methods and biopsychology.

Experience shows that most psychology students start out with the desire to work within the field of counselling and psychotherapy. The subject areas related to clinical psychology - differential psychology, diagnostics as well as theory and methods of psychological intervention - form a focal point of the curriculum from the first semester onwards and are deepened in later semesters.

The IPU Bachelor’s PsychologyPLUS offers a free and certified specialisation in psychodynamic counselling techniques.

In addition to the basic course contents of the Bachelor's programme, you can


  • acquire a certificate in Psychodynamic Interviewing, which is awarded when you complete a block week of supervised training in combination with qualified modules from the regular curriculum.
  • take an English course in which a qualified native speaker teaches psychological and psychoanalytical specialized English.


The certificate "Psychodynamic Interviewing" and the acquisition of subject-specific English skills are extracurricular modules, which can be taken free of charge and which may give an edge to your applications and career prospects after you finish your Bachelor's degree.

At the heart of our Bachelor's Degree in Psychology is the integration of the humanities and psychoanalytic psychology with the scientific orientation of academic psychology. With this Bachelor's degree, we at the IPU offer a practice-focused and strongly research-oriented course of study that reflects both the humanities and natural sciences in researching the psyche and prepares you optimally for the future, your training as a psychotherapist, including all the legal changes that surround the field.

As a graduate of the Bachelor of Science, you will be able to work competently and autonomously in the varied fields of applied psychology. You will be able to critically evaluate and make use of scientific research. Many counselling centres like to work with psychology graduates, e.g. in the field of addiction, at schools or in humanitarian aid.

To start training as a psychotherapist the Master's degree is a prerequisite according to current laws and regulations.

The Bachelor of Science in Psychology starts in the summer and winter terms. For the Bachelor's programme in Psychology you need the general higher education entrance qualification or a subject-related higher education entrance qualification according to § 11 Berlin Higher Education Act (BerlHg). The law allows a number of different admission options, which are described in more detail in the IPU admission regulations § 4(2).

The IPU strives for a personal selection procedure with interviews with all applicants. You can be enrolled in a higher semester in accordance with § 23a BerlHg, if you can prove that you have completed credits which are sufficiently similar in scope and thematic orientation to the Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the IPU. Competences acquired outside a university can also be considered in the crediting process. The Examinations and Admissions Committee (chair: Prof. Birgit Stürmer) evaluates the preliminary achievements.

Please be aware of the following aspects of the application procedure: The university management reserves the right to defer or reject any application. In making this decision, it takes into account the overall impression of an application: the applicant's motivation to choose this profession, their interests and, if applicable, their previous experience and social commitment. The majority of applicants will be invited for an interview, for which a protocol will be created. The interview results in a recommendation to the university management which decides on admission or rejection.

Current application deadlines can be found here.


Tuition fees amount to € 4,950 per semester. Alternatively, payments of € 860 per month are possible. You can pay for your entire course (6 semesters) as follows:


  • with termination option (semester by semester): € 27,500
  • without termination option (in advance): € 24,000


Additionally, a semester fee is charged for all full-time students, which allows them to utilize the services provided by the Studierendenwerk (Student Union). Please refer to the current fee schedule here under „General“ for the exact amount and the fees included.

The IPU participates in the Germany Scholarship (Deutschlandstipendium) programme, a scholarship programme funded by the German government and open to applications from all students. The most important criteria for receiving this scholarship of € 300 per month are previous academic performance, social commitment and possible financial need.

The IPU is a member of the Studentische Darlehenskasse Berlin e.V. (DAKA). This means, that as an IPU student you get a loan with some of the best conditions in the whole of Berlin.

IPU Berlin is pleased to announce its partnership with Brain Capital. The agreement enables students to conclude reverse generation contracts to finance their studies. Find out more on the IPU and Brain Capital website.

You can find current student financing information here.

Through the International Office, the IPU is connected to numerous universities in Europe and around the world. All registered students can complete an internship or an entire semester at one of these partner universities abroad. The recognition of credit points achieved in the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is already contractually regulated.



Study Course Flyer
Commented Course Catalog Winter Term 2024/2025
Examination Regulations from 1 January 2013
Examination Regulations from 24 April 2013
Examination Regulations from 1 October 2013
Examination Regulations from 1 Apr. 2017
Examination Regulations from 1 Oct. 2019
Study Regulations from 1 January 2013
Study Regulations from 24 April 2013
Study Regulations from 1 October 2013
Study Regulations from 1. Apr. 2017
Study Regulations from 1 Oct. 2019
Study and Examination Regulations incl. Module Discriptions from 1st Oct 2020 (updated 1st April 2024)
Descriptions of Modules from 24 April 2010 (i.d.F. 01.01.2013)
Descriptions of Modules from 1 Oct. 2013 (upd. 1 Oct. 2016)
Descriptions of Modules from 1 Apr. 2017
Descriptions of Modules from 1 Oct. 2019
Study Plan acc. SPO 1. Oct. 2020, starting SoSe
Study Plan acc. SPO 1. Oct. 2020, starting WiSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Oct. 2019, starting SoSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Oct. 2019, starting WiSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Apr. 2017, starting SoSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Apr. 2017, starting WiSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Oct. 2013, starting SoSe
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Oct. 2013, starting WiSe 2015
Study Plan acc. PO 1 Oct. 2013, starting WiSe 2013
Study Plan acc. PO 24 April 2010
Work-placement Training Regulations
Work-placement Training Application Form
Work-placement Training Confirmation Form
FAQ Work-placement Training
FAQ Work-placement Training PO 2020
Affine Modules Confirmation Form
Application for Registration of the BA Thesis
B.Sc. Psychology Exams Winter Term 2024/2025
Sona User Manual Test subjects
Sona User Manual Trial Management