Studying psychology at the IPU Berlin is worth it and meets high standards. This has been made apparent by three different surveys as part of the CHE Rankings. Top scores earned in 2016 were confirmed three years later: The IPU belongs to the top scorers in ten student-rated categories and has continued to hold on to this seat according to the 2022 survey. The university has been rated as the best in Berlin for studying psychology and is also among the highest-rated in Germany.
Individual consultations regarding one’s course of studies as well as close support by the teaching staff and administration play a significant role at the IPU. There were therefore very good results in the respective survey categories as well as the category regarding support for new students. High scores for room design and facilities, IT, and the library show that the IPU is not just an exceptional place to study – it is also an advantageous one. Regarding study courses, students particularly value the studying environment in general, as well as the courses offered and the examination conditions.
In the areas of teaching and research, specific value is placed on the transfer between theory and practice, which is confirmed by the peak ratings in the professional orientation category. This is an especially important aspect for students who would like to pursue a career in clinical psychology and psychotherapy. The top ratings for scientific and professional teaching orientation also show the successful interchanges between science/academia and clinical work. The IPU landed among average scores for several research related categories, which, for such a small and relatively young, private university, rather good scores are. The amount of funding, which nearly doubled in between 2016 and 2019, shows that the university research is continually growing and developing. 2022 has shown that this sum has been increased by a third through, among others, funding from individual foundations or the Germany Research Foundation (DFG). Through its focus on psychoanalysis, the IPU also represents a humanities approach, through which publications textbooks or collections are more frequently published rather than individual articles in scientific journals.
The IPU’s international offerings are constantly being expanded in areas such as public events, and especially through its teaching. The new master’s program English Track: Psychology with a Clinical Focus, opened in 2018, earned the IPU a top ranking in the international orientation of its curriculum. In October 2022, the first cohort of students with start the new master’s program focusing on organizational psychology. Study abroad is not obligatory, but all students are welcome to explore the possibility and complete a part of their studies or an internship at one of IPU’s partner universities abroad. There are always enough open spaces to take advantage of this opportunity. In this sense, the support provided by the International Office was rated outstandingly.