
Internships within Europe with Erasmus+

Under the Erasmus+ program, internships at an institution or company within Europe are also supported in addition to study stays. Students can complete either compulsory or voluntary internships, lasting between two and twelve months. The minimum duration is 60 calendar days. Likewise, internships undertaken within one year after the conclusion of a study cycle (Bachelor, Master or PhD) are eligible for support, provided the application is submitted before the end of the respective study cycle.

The program provides the following services to students:

  • Support in the preparation of the stay abroad
  • Internship Contract between university, host institution and student
  • Support and supervision during the internship by one contact person in the home university and one in the host institution
  • Recognition of the internship achievements gained abroad

The internship can occur in any EU member state and in any institution, granted that the content of the internship covers topics of either psychology or cultural studies.

With a compulsory internship, you require a psychologist as your supervisor at the respective institution, as well as a supervisor at the IPU Berlin. Detailed information in this respect is provided by the Studies and Teaching Office.

The financial support from Erasmus+ for internship stays is based on the various living costs in the target countries ("program countries").


  • Countries Group 1 (€750 monthly): Denmark, Finland, France, Great Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Austria, Sweden.
  • Countries Group 2 (€690 monthly): Belgium, Greece, Italy, Malta, The Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cypress.
  • Countries Group 3 (€640 monthly): Bulgaria, Estonia, Croatia, Letonia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Poland, Rumania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Turkey, Hungary.
  • Internships in Bosnia-Herzegovina are currently supported with €700 monthly and a lump sum for travel costs (€275).
  • Internship students also get an additional €150 per month as a top-up.


There is no insurance coverage associated with the participation in the Erasmus+ program. Therefore, it is necessary to take out the following insurances for the duration of the study abroad period:


  • International health insurance with repatriation (also in case of death) and with protection in case of a pandemic
  • Accident insurance with protection abroad
  • Liability insurance with protection abroad

This insurance coverage is obligatory for all participants and must be proven before the start of the internship, and last for the entire duration of the internship period. 

Application documents

  • Filled-in Application Form
  • English résumé/CV in a tabular form
  • Letter of motivation in English: Provide a brief outline (max. 1 A4 page) of why you have decided on the planned stay abroad, the aims you intend to pursue doing so, and how the stay is integrated into your study progress.
  • Certificate of Enrolment
  • Current transcript of records and internship certificates (if applicable)
  • The language certificate must be issued for the working language of the host institution and it must be submitted no later than the start of the stay abroad.
  • Where available in advance: proof/ contract of traineeship position
  • Sustainable Travel form if applicable

Note: Sustainable travel is promoted by the Erasmus+ program. Participants have the opportunity to apply for an additional lump sum of 50 euros and up to four additional travel days for sustainable travel. An additional travel day is subsidyed in the amount of 1/30 of the monthly stipend. To receive this funding, you must submit the green travel application. 

Application deadlines

The application for an Erasmus+ grant for internships has to be submitted to the International Office of the IPU Berlin at least two months prior to the start of the internship.

Selection procedure

The International Office accepts the applications and assesses the applicants' eligibility for support on the basis of formal aspects and factors. In the event that the number of applications exceeds the number of places available for internships abroad, a commission appointed by the executive board of the university meets and conducts a ranking of the applicants. The following criteria are taken into consideration:

  • Significance and purpose of the stay abroad
  • Quality of the internship position abroad
  • The degree to which the applicant organizes and arranges his internship abroad independently.
  • Letter of motivation
  • Study achievements

The IPU strongly encourages students to organize their traineeships independently. The International Office and the Student Office provide information in this respect. A cooperation agreement between the host organisation and the IPU Berlin is not a precondition for completing a traineeship eligible for support.

Documents to be submitted by the students to the International Office

I. After acceptance

  • Learning Agreement (available in the International Office)
  • Erasmus+ Grant Agreement (available in the International Office)
  • Language abilities verification (invitation by email for the online language test)
  • Proof of health, accident and third-party liability insurance coverage

II. At the latest 1 week after arrival at the internship position

  • Arrival Certificate (this triggers the payment of the first support amount)
  • A modified Learning Agreement for Internships if required

III. At the end of the stay abroad

  • Experience report for the International Office
  • EU survey (following an automatic written request by email)

Internships at a partner university of the IPU Berlin

Several of our partner universities also offer internship positions:

  • NBU Sofia and Sofia University (both in Bulgaria)
  • Medical University of Vienna (Austria)
  • Wiener Psychoanalytische Akademie – Vienna Psychoanalytic Academy (Austria)
  • Stockholm University (Sweden)
  • Hacettepe University (Turkey)
  • Pedagogical University of Cracow (Poland)

Should you be interested in one of the above, information is provided on the website of the respective partner university about its research projects or other fields of activity. Please hand in your application for the internship to the International Office. As soon as you have decided on a partner university, you will be officially nominated as an intern.

The online platform was designed by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) in cooperation with the European Commission. It aims to give students the opportunity to undertake a stay abroad under the Erasmus+ "Student Mobility Traineeships Abroad" (SMT) and permit them to have easier access to host institutions throughout Europe. On the one hand, students can offer themselves and thus also their respective key competencies as an Erasmus+ trainee. On the other hand, organisations and enterprises can set up a profile and offer one (or several) traineeship positions in their host institution. The intention is, on the basis of various search criteria (such as target country, study area, length of stay or desired language knowledge), to facilitate the arranging of the traineeships. Where they have a related interest, students and institutions can contact each other directly.