
Researchers and Teaching Staff

Stays abroad with the Erasmus+ program

Area for Researchers and Teaching Staff at the IPU Berlin (Outgoings)

Area for Researchers and Teaching Staff from Abroad (Incomings)

The academic staff at the IPU Berlin and its partner universities play an important role in the context of internationalizing research and teaching activities.

The Erasmus+ program supports guest lecturers at European partner universities which hold a valid Erasmus Charter for Higher Education (ECHE). The intention for the guest lecturers is to strengthen the European dimension of their guest university through their stay there, supplement the range of study courses it offers and convey their specialist knowledge to students who do not wish or are not in a position to study abroad.

The aim here is to encourage joint study programs at the partner universities wherever possible, as well as the exchange of teaching content and methods.

Stays for teaching purposes within Europe last between two and five days (without travel times in each case); the teaching workload amounts to at least eight hours per stay or week commenced. For the special program Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina a minimum stay of 5 days (both without travel time) is required, the minimum teaching time is 8 hours.

The following groups are eligible for support

  • Professors and lecturers with a contractual relationship with the university
  • Lecturers with no endowment
  • Associate lecturers with service contracts
  • Emeritus professors and pensioned teaching staff
  • Research associates

Benefits of an Erasmus+ stay

  • Stay on the basis of an agreed and coordinated program
  • Have professional exchanges and gain new perspectives
  • Strengthen one's own competencies
  • Expansion and consolidation of networks

The Erasmus+ programme support covers

  • Reimbursement of travel costs
  • Reimbursement of accommodation costs
  • Special grants for those supported with children
  • Special grants for those supported with disabilities

All those interested from the fields of research and teaching, please contact the International Office at international(at) for an exploratory meeting.

More detailed information is also available on the homepage of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).