
Career Service for International Students at IPU

Karriereberatung für internationale Master-Studierende an der IPU

Our Career Service supports Master Psychology graduates in finding jobs in Germany. In particular, we want to advise you on how to enter the German job market as a clinical psychologist without an approbation license.

We are currently expanding the career service. This website is currently under construction. In the future, we will also offer application training, psychosocial coaching and an employer exchange. The IPU Berlin also offers specialist bridging courses and certified extracurricular specialist courses on intercultural and transcultural topics.


Job opportunities in Germany

If you have questions on job opportunies with a Master's degree in Psychology in Germany, don't hesitate to contact us:
Caroline Sosat, M.Sc., International Career Service: career.service(at)

Upcoming Events

Internal Events at IPU by international Career Service

How to do Psychotherapy in Germany – Approbation license and job opportunities (Part 1 of ?)
Date: February 12, 2025
Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Location: Haus 3b 03

Speaker: Caroline Sosat, M.Sc.

Career Day – Focus on International Students

Date: May 16, 2025
Time: 10:00 am – 1:00 pm

Location: Lecture Hall 2 (Haus 2-01a/b), 1st floor

Speakers: Former students and specialists in the field

External Events we recommend


Upcoming Workshops by the Studierendenwerk Berlin in English:


Deutsch sprechen mit Selbstvertrauen | Speaking German with Confidence | 28.01.

Do you sometimes feel unsure when speaking in German during a seminar, a presentation or in an exam? This pronunciation training will help you to improve your pronunciation and to feel more confidence in various speaking situations.

Neurodivergent Peer Empowerment| 31.01.

Are you a neurodivergent person looking for a creative and supportive space? In this workshop, we’ll explore ways to achieve greater visibility, safety and self-care together.

How to find a job in Germany | 10.02.

The workshop helps you to develop a solid understanding both of what German employers value in an applicant and how the German job market functions.


Find more helpful events from Studierendenwerk Berlin here:

The international Career Service is part of the Project FIT - Förderung internationaler Talente (Support for International Talents) from DAAD and the Ministry of Education.


